1. All information provided on the website concerning technical characteristics, stock availability, cost of goods, descriptions and photos is for informational purposes and under no circumstances can be treated as a public offer determined by the provisions of Article 437 (2) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2.Clicking the “Buy”, “Add to cart”, “Place an order”, etc. buttons by a site visitor or a buyer does not impose any obligations on the site owner and does not constitute an acceptance of the offer. The buyer accepts the offer only at the time of payment of the order.

3. All materials posted on online resources (,,, are the property of IS Company LLC or the property of partners of IS Company LLC and are protected from copying and distribution. Copying any information may result in criminal prosecution.

4. By registering on the website or leaving your personal information, customer agrees to the processing and storage of his personal information by the employees of IS Company LLC. Customer can also send us a written request to stop processing and storing your personal information at any time.

5. For analytical purposes, the site has a system for collecting statistical indicators, which collects depersonalized information about the visited pages of the site, completed forms, etc. The company's employees have access to this information.

6. Placing an order on Internet resources (,,, customer agrees with the terms of the public offer.